What is an Eclipse?

An eclipse is a natural phenomenon that happens when the Sun, Moon, and Earth line up. Eclipses result in a unique view of either the Sun or the Moon. There are 2 main types of eclipses: solar and lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse happens when the Moon crosses the path between the Sun and the Earth — casting a shadow that can be visible when you look at the Sun. A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth crosses the path between the Moon and the Sun — casting a visible shadow on the Moon.
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Safety First!

Please read before you use your Soluna Glasses.
  1. Limit to 3 minutes continuous use, intermittently for several hours.
  2. Do not use with other optical devices.
  3. Do not use while moving around, driving, or operating machinery.
  4. Do not use with diseased eye or after eye surgery.
  5. Clean with a soft cloth or tissue.
  6. Discard after 3 years.
  7. KIDS: Use with adult supervision.
User Instructions:
Inspect each time before use. Do not use and discard if damaged, torn, punctured or separated from the frame in anyway. Do not use with other optical devices. This is not a toy. Children should only use with adult supervision. Limited to 3 minutes continuous use, intermittently for several hours. When using this product do not move around, drive a motor vehicle, or operate machinery. Do not use with diseased eye or after eye surgery. Warning: Never look at the sun without special eye protection. When viewing the eclipse, use eclipse glasses at all times when any part of the sun is visible. Direct viewing of the sun can cause permanent damage if the proper precautions are not taken. Adequate eye protection specifically designed for viewing the sun is essential and should be worn so that no harmful rays from the Sun can reach the eye. Clean with a soft cloth or tissue only. Discard and do not use after 3 years.
Instrucciones en Español:
Instrucciones para el usuario: Inspeccionar cada vez antes del uso. No usar y descartar si está dañado, rasgado, perforado o separado del marco de cualquier manera. No lo use con otros dispositivos. Esto no es un juguete. Los niños solo deben usar con la supervisión de un adulto. Limitado a 3 minutos de uso continuo, intermitentemente durante varias horas. Cuando use este producto, no se mueva, conduzca un vehículo a motor ni opere maquinaria. No usar con ojo enfermo o después de una cirugía ocular. Advertencia: Nunca mire al sol sin protección ocular especial. Cuando vea el eclipse, use gafas para eclipsar en todo momento cuando cualquier parte del sol esté visible. La visión directa del sol puede causar daños permanentes en los ojos si no se toman las precauciones adecuadas. La protección adecuada de los ojos específicamente diseñada para ver el sol es esencial y debe usarse para que ningún rayo dañino del sol pueda llegar al ojo. Limpie con un paño o tejido suave solamente. Descartar y no usar después de 3 años.
Instructions d'utilisation en français:
Inspectez chaque fois avant utilisation. Ne pas utiliser et jeter s'il est endommagé, déchiré, perforé ou séparé du cadre de quelque façon que ce soit. Ne pas utiliser avec d'autres appareils optiques. Ce n'est pas un jouet. Les enfants ne doivent l'utiliser que sous la supervision d'un adulte. Limité à 3 minutes d'utilisation continue, par intermittence pendant plusieurs heures. Lorsque vous utilisez ce produit, ne vous déplacez pas, ne conduisez pas de véhicule à moteur ou n'utilisez pas de machines. Ne pas utiliser en cas de maladie oculaire ou après une chirurgie oculaire. Avertissement : Ne jamais regarder le soleil peut provoquer des dommages permanents si les précautions nécessaires ne sont pas prises. Une protection oculaire adéquate spécialement conçue pour l'observation du soleil est essentielle et doit être portée de manière à ce qu'aucun rayon nocif du soleil ne puisse atteindre les yeux. Nettoyez uniquement avec un chiffon doux ou un mouchoir en papier. Jeter et ne pas utiliser après 3 ans.

5 Facts
About Eclipses

There are numerous subtypes of eclipses under the 2 main types. These are: Solar - partial, total, hybrid, annular Lunar - total, penumbral, and partial.
Solar eclipses last for just a few minutes, while lunar eclipses can last for hours.
After the total solar eclipse on April 8th 2024, the next one won’t be seen in the United States until 20 years later - on August 23rd 2044.
Eclipse seasons happen when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned and eclipses can occur. Each season lasts 35 days and repeats every 6 months.
Although the path of totality of an eclipse is approximately 100 miles wide, partial solar eclipses can been seen up to 3,000 miles from the path of totality


The NASA site is a great resource to learn more about the 2023 annular and 2024 total solar eclipses, as well as eclipse safety:
The eclipsewise site has a set of great gifs for the 2023 annular and 2024 total solar eclipses.
October 14, 2023
Annular eclipse path, timing and duration:
April 8th, 2024
Total eclipse path, timing and duration: